22 Svetlanskaya str., Vladivostok +7(423) 265-0000


The XII International Ecological Forum “Nature without Borders” was held on October 18–19, 2018 in Vladivostok.

The forum was initiated by the Administration of Primorsky Krai, with the direct support and participation of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, UNEPCOM, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Management and other organizations and departments.

Goals and objectives of the forum:

  • discussion of topical issues of environmental protection in the conditions of advanced socio-economic development of the Far East;
  • formation of a socio-ecological-economic platform for the transition of the Far East of the Russian Federation to the model of sustainable development, taking into account international experience in addressing the issues of environmental modernization of the economy, preservation of natural heritage and biodiversity;
  • attracting community organizations to promote an environmentally sound lifestyle;
  • the search for a balance between the need to develop natural resources and the need to preserve the unique nature of the Far East based on the consolidation of the intellectual and technical potential of science, government, business and civil society;
  • the development of “green” sectors of the economy in the Far East of the Russian Federation and the attraction of investments to these sectors;
  • discussion of the state, problems and prospects of introducing the best available (resource and energy saving) technologies;
  • making decisions on ecological modernization of the economy based on the best available technologies;
  • exchange of opinions, synthesis of international experience of ecologists, development of strategic directions of environmental development and cooperation in the field of environmental protection and rational environmental management.

Forum participants note that the issues of improving state policy in the field of environmental protection and the development of "green technologies" are among the most pressing. Intensive socio-economic development of the territory of the Far East is the main priority of the federal and regional authorities. : The implementation of large projects of the Free Port of Vladivostok and the territories of priority development dictate the need to introduce innovative technologies and environmental solutions in the design and construction (modernization) of new industrial complexes. Today everyone understands that the solution of environmental problems is impossible without the consolidation of the efforts of the authorities, science, business and society. This is primarily the importance of such sites as the Forum "Nature without Borders", where all the conditions for a constructive dialogue are created.

The participants of the round table № 1. Development of integrated water use: management, rational use and protection of water resources , having discussed water management issues related to the integrated use and protection of water resources, noted that under the current circumstances, of particular importance are:

  • expansion of scientific research aimed at the development of integrated water use, the prevention of social and environmental-economic risks;
  • solving the problems of training specialists in the field of flood prevention and response, protection of territories from flooding, forecasting of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena.
  • improving the regulatory framework for managing the use and protection of water bodies;
  • ensuring environmental safety in the construction of water infrastructure facilities, dredging of seaports and the burial of seabed in inland marine waters;
  • prevention and minimization of damage during the passage of floods, the development of a system for monitoring and forecasting floods.

Within the framework of the round table №1 of the forum the First Congress of water users of the Amur basin district was held. Participants of the Congress, water users:

  • noted that solving problems of social, environmental and economic security, including the implementation of national development programs, is inextricably linked to solving problems of integrated and efficient use of water resources;
  • expressed interest in building an effective dialogue and strengthening fruitful cooperation with state and local government bodies, scientific institutions and environmental public organizations and expressed their readiness to take full part in solving the problems of integrated water use,
  • noted the need for legislative strengthening of the order of participation of water users in the preparation of decisions, the implementation of which may have an impact on water bodies during their use and protection.

The participants of the round table №1 decided:

1. Refer to the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a proposal to include the following scientific tasks in the program of basic research of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

  • development of the concept of integrated monitoring of water bodies of the Far East;
  • identification of the fundamental laws of the functioning of water and water management systems of the Far East in the conditions of unstable hydrological regime, anthropogenic changes;
  • development of a complex of physical and mathematical models for describing the processes of water and heat exchange on the land surface with the aim of improving the methods of managing water resources and predicting their changes under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors; assessment of the state of water resources of the Far East for the future;
  • development of methods and technologies to prevent catastrophic processes of pollution of natural waters and depletion of water resources;
  • development of the theory of water resources management, methodology for improving the reliability of water supply to the Far East; justification of water protection measures taking into account various types of anthropogenic load;
  • development of forecasting methods and justification of the monitoring structure of catastrophic floods and floods on the rivers of the Far East, risk assessment of their occurrence, socio-economic and environmental consequences.

2. In connection with the high flood danger of the territory of Primorsky Krai, contact the Administration of Primorsky Krai, Far Eastern Federal University about the need to strengthen and expand the bachelor and master’s programs in the field of land hydrology and meteorology, including:

  • providing annual student recruitment for the land hydrology specialty and meteorology specialty;
  • inclusion of the specialty “land hydrology” in the qualification requirements for the replacement of certain posts of state civil service of the bodies of the Administration of the Primorsky Territory authorized in the field of flood prevention and response.

3. To appeal to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with proposals:

  • on amendments to the Water Code of the Russian Federation regarding the inclusion of water users and their associations in the circle of persons and organizations entitled to participate in the preparation of decisions, the implementation of which may have an impact on water bodies during their use and protection; expanding the list of powers of the Basin Councils in accordance with the Water Strategy of the Russian Federation;development of standards for permissible impact on the basis of target indicators of water quality in water bodies established by the Schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies;
  • on the development of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Unions of Water Users”, which establishes the procedure for the establishment, activity of associations of water users, as well as the implementation of self-regulation in the field of use of water bodies;
  • On Amendments to the Federal Law of 31.07.1998 No. 155-ФЗ “On Inland Sea Water, Territorial Sea and Adjoining Zone of the Russian Federation”, aimed at increasing transparency, simplifying the procedure and reducing the time spent on obtaining permission to dump the soil; improvement of environmental monitoring in the area of ​​the underwater dump is carried out by a single operator.

4. Contact the Government of the Russian Federation with a proposal to amend the procedure for developing, approving and implementing schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies, introducing changes to these schemes, establishing:

  • the inclusion of water protection measures for water users in schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies (hereinafter referred to as SKIOVO), including joint programs of water users;
  • preparation of changes in SKIOVO water user associations;
  • SKIOVO development of inland marine waters.

5. Contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation with suggestions:

  • on the change of the status of basin councils to the status of bodies that take practical managerial decisions on the implementation of state policy within the basin district;
  • on the development of a regulatory legal act establishing the procedure for the development, approval and implementation of basin programs for maintaining state monitoring of water bodies and joint programs of water users for conducting regular monitoring of the state of water bodies during water use;

6. Contact the Primorsky Territory Administration with a proposal on the need to develop a long-term program “Protection against Floods of the Primorsky Krai” and submit this program to the Federal Agency for Water Resources to adjust the Scheme for the integrated use and protection of water bodies.

7. Address the Amursky Basin District Basin Council with a proposal to introduce joint water user programs to conduct regular monitoring of the Golden Horn Bay and implement regular cleaning of the water area from debris and oil.

8. Contact the Amur basin water management with a proposal on the need to develop a unified information and analytical system to support the integrated use and protection of water bodies of the Amur basin district.

The preparation of these proposals with a view to further referral to the bodies and institutions referred to in paragraphs 1-8, should be entrusted to the President of the Union of Water Users of the Amur Basin District (IO O. Nerov)

Participants of the round table number 2. “The development of a system of specially protected natural territories. the formation of the ecological culture of the population through the volunteer movement "recommended:

To the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation:

  • to intensify participation in international conferences, congresses, forums and environmental education programs in order to further consolidate the positive image of specially protected natural territories of Russia at the international level;
  • assist in the development of ecological tourism infrastructure in specially protected natural territories through budgetary investments;
  • support the creation and development of school forest areas;
  • identify areas of environmental partnership programs within the framework of cooperation between PAs and educational institutions.

Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

  • to support the initiative to create the Ussuri Taiga Museum in the Botanical Garden - Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Administrations of protected areas of the Far Eastern Federal District:

  • position educational and ecological tourism in the protected areas as the national brand of the Far East and take successive steps to promote it on the Russian and international tourist markets;
  • to take into account the need for the participation of representatives of PAs in exhibitions and competitions of the tourism industry in the region, to develop uniform presentation materials;
  • ensure that detailed information on ecological tourism on each protected area of ​​the region is posted on the websites (conditions of visit, the mechanism for obtaining relevant permits / tickets, routes and their natural and cultural attractions, transport logistics and the cost of paid services, etc.);
  • together with travel agencies, tourist information centers, to introduce the practice of forming common tourist products among PAs, as well as to create common tourism products with transboundary PAs;
  • take into account the activities aimed at tourists and the local population taking place in the protected areas in order to promote the protected area, and add them to the Calendar of events and business events in the region;
  • to put into practice the training of freelance qualified guides on environmental education skills for better material presentation and reporting to the PA mission.

The participants of the round table number 3. The reform and development of the waste management system in Russia noted that a large-scale reform of the solid municipal waste management sector is currently underway in Russia. In order to ensure a smooth transition of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the new system of MSW management, the following gaps in regulation were identified during the discussions that need to be addressed in the near future:

1. According to Article 24.6 of the Federal Law of 24.06.1998 No. 89-ФЗ “On Production and Consumption Waste” (Law), MSW treatment in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is provided by one or several regional operators in accordance with the regional program on waste management and territorial waste management scheme.

At the same time, paragraphs 5.6 and 7 of Article 12 of the Law established a ban on the disposal of waste within the boundaries of settlements, waste disposal at facilities not listed in the state register of waste disposal facilities (registry).

At the same time, these norms do not take into account the existing state of affairs in the field of waste management, which has developed for objective reasons in the territories of most constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to provide a mechanism for subsidizing the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from the funds received on account of the payment of the environmental fee for co-financing the design and construction of waste disposal facilities, including within the framework of the National Ecology Project.

2. The grounds for depriving a legal entity of the status of a regional operator, as provided for by the Rules for handling MSW approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.11.2016 No. 1156, require clarification. Thus, at present, the regional operator may be deprived of status for two violations, without taking into account the severity and consequences of such a violation, which introduces not only administrative barriers to the operation, but does not stimulate the waste management industry. We consider it necessary to clarify the currently valid grounds for depriving the status of a regional operator.

3. The law provides for the obligation of consumers to enter into agreements with a regional operator. At the same time, there is no administrative responsibility for non-fulfillment of this duty, which does not create incentives for consumers to enter into an agreement with the regional operator;

4. Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006 does not contain a special procedure for providing personal data to consumers of a service for handling MSW. In case of refusal to provide personal data, as well as in the absence of consent for their processing, the regional operator has no reason to take actions with regard to such data, including their entry into the GIS housing and utilities infrastructure;

5. Tariff regulation in the field of MSW management does not contain a direct rule on the inclusion of entrepreneurial profits of a regional operator into the single tariff of a regional operator, as provided for in other regulated activities. Thus, the regional operator only compensates the expenses incurred, but is not able to receive any income;

6. It is necessary to adopt as soon as possible new sanitary rules and regulations that should provide for the possibility of exporting separately accumulated MSW as they accumulate;

7. It is necessary to settle issues related to the transfer of ownership of MSW, including their separate accumulation, and in addition to the established prohibitions on storage of certain types of non-MSW waste in containers, provide for administrative liability for violation of the MSW treatment rules.

8. The rules for the transport of oversized and heavy cargoes established the maximum authorized weight or axle load, the excess of which is the basis for bringing to administrative responsibility in accordance with article 12.21.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The density of the MSW is not uniform and constant, and therefore it is not possible to determine the exact mass of the MSW being transported until they are weighed upon arrival at the item being sorted, processed, neutralized, placed.

In addition, MSWs are loaded through a receiving bunker located in the rear of the garbage truck, with an automatic pressing system moving towards the cab with a gradual shift. Given this design feature of garbage trucks, the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation are deliberately impracticable.

The requirement for the movement of vehicles with an authorized maximum mass exceeding 12 tons on public roads of federal significance only if payment is made to compensate for damage caused to such roads by motor vehicles leads to an increase in the cost of MSW management services for the population.

In order to solve the existing problem, it is necessary to make changes to the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 No. 257-ФЗ “On Roads and Road Activities in the Russian Federation” in terms of non-proliferation of the provisions of Article 31 and 31.1 to special utility vehicles used for sanitary cleaning of populated areas. points and transportation of MSW.

The participants of the round table number 4. "New trends in state regulation of environmental protection and environmental safety" recommend:

1. Contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation with the requirement:

  • oblige stevedoring companies engaged in the transshipment of dangerous goods, including coal, to undergo a state environmental review, inspection (evaluation) for compliance with environmental protection requirements, incl. for the protection of the marine environment and the conservation of the natural resources of inland waters and the territorial sea;
  • create a register of marine areas where, due to the natural conditions, their self-purification from pollution due to stevedoring activities is impossible to take into account when carrying out design and survey works;
  • oblige stevedoring companies to equip terminals with sewage treatment plants ensuring the protection of water bodies from pollution, pollution and depletion of water in the water protection zone;
  • support the creation of a monitoring system for atmospheric air pollution in the areas of coal terminals that handle the overloading of dusty cargoes; develop guidelines for measuring the concentration of coal dust in the atmospheric air for the implementation of quality monitoring of the state of atmospheric air in the area of ​​sea terminals; to promote the establishment of more stringent standards for coal dust, relative to the dust of other types of coal.

2. Recommend to the state supervisory authorities of the Russian Federation:

  • make extensive use of remote sensing data for monitoring environmental processes and conducting surveillance activities.

3. Contact the Administration of Primorsky Krai with suggestions:

  • support the initiative to create a center for aerial environmental monitoring using satellites and small aircraft (with the participation of the institutes of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and relevant environmental agencies);
  • recommend the Primorsky Territory Administration to submit a proposal to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation to assess the pollution of the Nakhodka Bay, identifying the sources of its pollution;contribute to the development of measures to restore natural biodiversity in the bay.

4. Contact the Administration of Primorsky Krai and the city of Vladivostok with the proposal:

  • to put the forests of the state forest fund of the Vladivostok forest area on cadastral registration and transfer it according to the act to the relevant subdivision under the administration of the city of Vladivostok;
  • to include in the documents of the General Plan and the PZZ all restrictions of use provided for by the forest and environmental protection legislation, the current Forest Regulations of Vladivostok Forestry;
  • adopt municipal legal acts on the Rules for the Creation, Maintenance and Protection of Urban Forests, including especially protective cores in the form of a natural park, which should guide the Department of Environmental Protection and Use of Administration of Vladivostok;

According to the results of the panel section: “Biodiversity of animals, plants and microorganisms;preservation and formation of ecosystem biodiversity in the context of climate change "decided:

1. To recommend to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to restore (introduce again) the teaching of the discipline "Ecology" in primary and higher schools due to the low level of environmental awareness among graduates of primary school in the context of the global environmental crisis.

2. Continue basic research in the field of marine mycology and the development of plastic recycling technologies using as an experiment at landfills.

3. Recommend to use the results of studies of marine fungi for applications, for the decomposition of plastic and the destruction of polymer films in closed landfills.

4. To note the urgency of conducting research related to the processing of agricultural waste into biogar and its use as a meliorative agent for soil drainage.



Forum "Nature without borders" is one of the leading international communication platforms where representatives of government, scientific, business and public environmental organizations discuss and offer solutions to vital issues of environmental protection, environmental safety in the Far East of Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. 

Goals and objectives of the forum:

  • Discussion of topical issues of environmental protection in the conditions of outstripping socio-economic development of the Far East;
  • formation of a socio-ecological and economic platform for the transition of the Far East of the Russian Federation to the model of sustainable development, taking into account international experience in addressing issues of ecological modernization of the economy, conservation of natural heritage and biodiversity;
  • Involvement of public organizations to promote an environmentally correct way of life;
  • the search for a balance between the need to develop natural resources and the need to preserve the unique nature of the Far East by consolidating the intellectual and technical potential of science, government, business and civil society;
  • development of the "green" sectors of the economy in the Far East of the Russian Federation and attraction of investments in these sectors;
  • discussion of the state, problems and prospects for the introduction of the best available (resource- and energy-saving) technologies;
  • development of decisions on ecological modernization of the economy on the basis of the best available technologies;
  • exchange of opinions, generalization of international experience of ecologists, development of strategic directions of ecological development and cooperation in the field of environmental protection and rational nature management. 


The forum is aimed at attracting the Russian and international public to environmental problems and the formation of a unified policy in the field of environmental protection, rational nature management in the Asia-Pacific region and the regions of Northeast Asia ....

More about the Forum