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"The international forum" nature without borders "will be held for the twelfth time in Vladivostok


 On October 18, 2018, at the initiative of the Administration of the Primorsky Territory, the XII International Ecological Forum "Nature without Borders" opens in Vladivostok.

The venue for the International Ecological Forum "Nature without Borders" in Vladivostok was not chosen by chance; Vladivostok is the center of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the Asia-Pacific region.
The unique geographical location of the region attaches great importance to the discussion of cross-border cooperation and interaction with neighboring countries.
This year, more than 500 people registered to participate in the International Environmental Forum "Nature without Borders", which will be held in Primorye on October 18-19 for the 12th time. The forum annually gathers up to 500 participants.
This year, the Primorsky Territory Administration has been selected as the main venue of the forum at the address: Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory Administration, ul. Svetlanskaya, 22.
According to the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Primorsky Territory, this year experts will discuss topical issues at the forum’s events.
At the round table “Development of integrated water use: management, rational use and protection of water resources”, water users of the Amur basin district will discuss rationing the permissible impact on water bodies, improving reclamation systems, dredging and hydraulic engineering works in the waters of seaports, prospects for international initiatives in using transboundary water objects.
On the section “Development of the system of specially protected natural territories. Formation of the ecological culture of the population through the volunteer movement ”will raise issues of protection of rare and endangered species of animals and plants, the development of ecological tourism, the prospects for the volunteer movement aimed at protecting the environment.
One of the important topics will be the agenda of the round table “Reforming and developing the system of waste management and secondary resources in Russia”, which will discuss government regulation in the field of waste management, consideration of federal projects in the field of waste management as part of the national project “Ecology”, the role of regional operators in the implementation of the waste management reform in Russia. Experts will also discuss the development of processing technologies, recycling, disposal, recycling of waste, the strategy for the development of the industry for recycling waste and the elimination of accumulated environmental damage.
The fourth theme will be new trends in state regulation of environmental protection and environmental safety, including a risk-based approach in environmental supervision, the development of public environmental monitoring, new drivers to encourage the introduction of environmentally innovative, best available technologies.
The forum will include a panel section on “Biodiversity of animals, plants and microorganisms, preservation and formation of ecosystem biodiversity in the context of climate change”.
During the twelve-year history of the Forum, thousands of specialists, scientists, representatives of business, government, and public organizations took part in its work. Under the auspices of the Forum, there is a constructive dialogue on environmental protection, discussing important issues of waste treatment, reducing environmental risks in industry.
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