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Green Economy

At the 11th international forum "Nature without borders", businessmen and ecologists will discuss the further development of the region.
The year of ecology, announced in Russia in 2017, set new tasks related to the protection of atmospheric air, the cleaning of the water area, environmental education and enlightenment. The Komsomolskaya Pomoshchka talked with the director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Alexander Korshenko about how Primorye handles problems that are important for the health and well-being of its inhabitants and guests.

- Alexander Igorevich, the solution of which problem was the most urgent task for the department in the Year of Ecology?
- In Primorye, the administration of the Krai approved an action plan consisting of 140 items dealing with a wide range of areas: from waste management to international cooperation. They are conducted in accordance with the state program "Environmental Protection of Primorsky Krai" for 2013-2020.
Of the most significant tasks that the department has created in connection with the Year of Ecology, a set of measures to reduce the dustiness of coal dust in the seaports of the region should be highlighted. Jointly with the stevedoring companies, a plan of environmental measures was developed, which envisages the introduction of various dust suppression systems with a total financing volume of 586 million rubles. In June 2017, independent monitoring of contamination by coal dust in the city of Nakhodka was started.
Since August 20, 2017, the Law on the Protection of Atmospheric Air in Primorsky Krai has come into force. It is aimed at ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens to a favorable environment and reliable information about its condition.

- The problem with coal dust in Nakhodka has intensified relatively recently and is being actively solved. But in the region there is another ecological problem - the status of the Golden Horn Bay. What is being done in this direction?
- Here it is necessary to note the activities carried out by KSUE "Primorsky Vodokanal", on the transfer of sewage to the treatment facilities of Vladivostok. The work done allowed to reduce the volume of discharge of untreated domestic wastewater into the Golden Horn Bay by 74%.
In addition, a program is being developed to eliminate accumulated environmental damage in the Golden Horn Bay. FGBU VNII Ecology signed a contract for the work with the Far Eastern Federal University in the amount of 63.536 million rubles. The deadline for completion of work is December 2017, the work assumes two stages: the search and the formation of a program containing a list and volumes of necessary measures to eliminate the accumulated damage. To date, the first stage has been completed. The implementation of the program is planned to begin in 2018.
- Tell us about the preparations for the forum "Nature without borders". Who has already announced participation?
- October 30 - October 31, 2017 in the city of Vladivostok on Russky Island in the congress and exhibition center of the Far Eastern Federal University will be held the XIth International Environmental Forum "Nature without borders". Initiated ten years ago by the administration of Primorsky Krai, he became one of the leading communication platforms. Here, representatives of government, scientific, business circles and public environmental organizations discuss and propose solutions for environmental protection and environmental safety. To date, have already registered about 300 participants.
Representatives of the business community will also take an active part in its work this year, including enterprises that transship coal in the ports of the Far East. The participation was announced by manufacturers of new technologies that are able to minimize the damage to the environment in the industrial development of the Far Eastern region.

- What other important issues for the region are planned to discuss at this site?
- Plenary and sectional sessions, round tables and discussions are invited to discuss the most topical issues of environmental issues: reforms and innovations in environmental legislation, introduction of best available technologies, waste management, monitoring of the state and pollution of the environment, climate change, biodiversity conservation, development of environmental tourism, education and enlightenment. As well as current issues related to ensuring the sustainable development of the Far Eastern region, including the development of port infrastructure, the preservation of specially protected natural areas, the prevention of natural disasters, pollution and depletion of water bodies. A specialized exposition on its subjects will be organized within the framework of the forum.
- To what extent do you think environmental education and volunteerism affect the well-being of the environment?
- Environmental education and volunteer movement, above all, is an instrument for shaping the ecological outlook and ecological culture of people. Thanks to the participation of children in environmental education and volunteer movements, a whole generation of ecologically cultured people is growing up. Through their children, in turn, their parents are educated.
- Can you give examples of successful projects?
- There are many, all not listed. I will dwell on some. Thus, the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Primorsky Krai together with OOO EkoInvest Project and educational institutions annually carry out the ecological and educational project "Ocean without Borders". The aim of the project is to monitor the pollution of the coasts of the northwestern Pacific with marine wastes of artificial origin. In September of this year, on the beach adjacent to the railway station Second Rechka, another action took place in the framework of the project, in which more than 50 schoolchildren took part. The study was conducted on an area of ​​more than 800 square meters.
- Except schoolboys there are in Primorye enthusiasts participating in preservation of water resources of Primorye Territory?
- The All-Russian ecological action "Water of Russia" on clearing of coasts and reservoirs from garbage passes annually in the period from June, 1st till September, 30th in territory of Primorye Territory. It is attended by almost all municipalities of the province and about 200 enterprises and institutions of various fields - industry, agriculture, education, culture. The action passes approximately 100 water bodies of the region: on rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and also on the sea coasts. The number of participants is more than five thousand people.
Within the framework of the Year of Ecology, three subbotniks were held to clean the coast and the water area of ​​the Akhlestyshev Bay within the boundaries of the conservation zone of nature monuments "Geological section of Anisinsky" and "Geological section Tobizinsky". In addition, there were ecological subbotniks to clean up the coast and the water area of ​​Golden Horn, the mouth of the river Explanations, and the coast of the bay within the boundaries of the nature monument "Geological section Chernyshevsky" on the island of Russky.
- 2017 was also proclaimed the Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories. Do volunteers help scientists?
- An environmental action to support specially protected natural areas "March of Parks" is annually held in Primorsky Krai. In its framework, environmental and nature protection measures are carried out in the territories of the FGBU "Land of the Leopard", FGBU "State Natural Biosphere Reserve" Khankaisky ", FGBU" National Park "Udege legend" and nature monuments of the regional significance: "Fir grove whole-leaf area", "Geological section Chernyshevsky "," Geological section of Anisinsky "," Geological section Tobizinsky "," Kekury Toad and Seal "," Tiger's Pad ".
Register for participation in the event can be on the official website of the forum "Nature without borders" http://priroda.primorsky.ru
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